Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Just some things I have learned

Do you ever think about that word? Accountability?  What does it even mean? Well, there is the web definition : responsibility to someone or for something. Well, what does that mean? I spent a lot of time thinking about this. Who are the "someone's" I'm responsible for? Well, I guess that would be my children and my pets... Right? First and foremost, myself. I tend to forget that part. Being accountable for me.

For most of my nearly 30 years of existence (OMG yes! 30!), I found myself to be accountable to others. You know, being a people pleaser. It's no fun being a people pleaser, honestly. Those who know you the best, know you aren't being yourself. You aren't being yourself, so how can you be truly happy? For what really? To have someone's acceptance? Why should a person have to work so hard to feel accepted? And why would I want to feel accepted so badly by someone who isn't already accepting me for me? When I really sat down and thought about it, I realized I wasn't being accountable to myself. Let me explain this a little better, and maybe some of you can relate.

Have you ever had someone in your life who you felt used you to make themselves feel better? Whether it's an insult to your face which you didn't really understand until later on, or choosing one of the lowest moments I your life to introduce a new boyfriend/girlfriend to the family knowing that nothing much would be said? A person who is nice to your face, but behind your back, talks about you in such a negative way? I am sure a lot of us have. It's so strange isn't it? They have hurt you so bad, yet, you just want them to like you. That's really when you need to change who you are accountable to.

When you start to be accountable to yourself, those things don't hurt you anymore. Why? Because those are things you have no control over. You can't control how a person feels about you, or what they choose to say about you to others. You can't try to be accountable for someone else's actions. 
That is for them to decide and to be accountable for those decisions they make. 

See, when you really think about it, accountability is a pretty important thing. We all need to be accountable for the decisions we choose to make in our lives. The relationships we have, or lack of relationships can't and shouldn't be blamed on anyone but ourselves. When you make a conscious effort to make thought filled decisions in your life, your whole world opens up. You start to feel proud of yourself and take pride in yourself. That's where you will truly find your happiness.

 Just remember something, and this is important. Don't ever let anyone's opinion of you change your opinion of yourself. 

Makes sense, doesn't it?